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Does my pet need to be updated on its vaccinations?

Yes, you will need to provide a recent copy of the current vaccinations along with your pets veterinarian's name and phone number.

How often should I have my pet groomed?

On the average, every pet should be groomed every four to six weeks. This depends on the owners ability to maintain the pets coat between grooming appointments. The type of coat and style as well as the lifestyle of the family can require more frequent appointments. Often, a bath and brush-out appointment is helpful when alternated with the full grooming, this can keep the pet looking and smelling nice.

Does frequent bathing ruin my pets hair?

No, the quality of shampoo and conditioners that I use are among the best available. It is more likely the coat will suffer from a lack of proper care. I have a variety of shampoos each is suited to a specific need.

Is there any help for shedding?

Yes, I offer a de-shedding system. When this process is done on a regular schedule (every 6 weeks) a significant reduction in shedding will be seen. The dead undercoat is removed allowing the fresh, new coat to remain. You will also see a beautiful shine to your pets coat.

What if my pet is matted?

I do not believe that de-matting a cat is a pleasant experience. It is painful and often irritating to the skin. Many times the pet can have sores on its skin under the matts. If the pet is severely matted it will be agreed upon to shave the dog to a short comfortable length.

How long will this take?

Most small to medium sized pets will take approximately 1 1/2hrs. However the first visit maybe a bit longer as your pet and I are getting to know one another. I do not rush a pet through a grooming, it should be a pleasant experience for them.

How much will this cost?

Mobile grooming will be higher than a shop. On average it will cost 20-40% higher than a salon per pet. The extra costs allow you the convenience of not having to drive to and from the groomers shop, or having to wait around town while your dog is there. You will also have a more relaxed pet, there will be no stress from strange animals, barking, cages, or just the car ride. Also, I will be the one your pet gets to know, not a new face every time.

What type of payment do you accept?

All fees are to be paid when services are completed, either cash or check are accepted. There will be a service fee of $35.00 for any returned checks. This fee must be paid before any further appointments will be made. Missed ( but not pre-canceled) appointments will be charged a service fee of $35.00 prior tto scheduling further appointments.

How long ahead must I make an appointment?

Currently, a week is sufficient for scheduling an appointment.

What if I must cancel?

Please notify me within 24 hrs. of your appointment (so that I can fill that spot with another pet.) If you have an emergency and must cancel at the last minute, please call ASAP. Please realize the fuel costs to drive to an appointment when no cat is groomed will be very wasteful. A fuel fee of $35.00 will be added to the next appointment.

What if I forget and am not home when you come?

I will send an e-mail, text or I will call to confirm our appointment. If you are not home at the time of a scheduled grooming appointment, a $35.00 No-Show fee will be added, per pet.

What days are available?

Currently we make appointments for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Is a weekend appointment possible?

Yes, special arrangements may be possible.

What is the van like?

I is a fully functioning salon that has wheels. It has a water tank and heater, a large bath tub, and A/C. The van is full self-contained. we have our own power and water source. We only require a level space to park.

How do I schedule an appointment?

I will probably not be home to answer your call (during the day). You can leave a detailed message on the phone (239-872-2228). Your message should include:

Your name, address and zip code and e-mail

Your cats breed and age and name

The last time it was professionally groomed

Any special needs your pet has; diabetic, senior, disabled, nervous, etc.

OR you can use the "CONTACT" page and follow the instructions

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